Regional News
The scope of the conference will be mainly:
> To bring together scientists and practitioners from various parts of the world working on different aspects of forest fires
> To encourage the presentation and discussion of recent advances in scientific research and technical development
> To present new management methodologies
> To present results from pilot experiments
> To promote international cooperation
More information on the conference website:
Promotion of the Macedonian Forest Fire Information System (MKFFIS)
On the 07/05/2013, starting at 11 am, in the Fair Congress Center-Skopje was held promotion of the Macedonian information system for forest fires (MKFFIS) . This system has been developed within the joint projector between International Cooperation Agency of Japan (JICA) and the Center for Crisis Management of the Republic of Macedonia (CMC), entitled: Integrated system for early warning and prevention of forest fires. Besides JICA and CMC, in the project participated and other institutions from Macedonia: PE Macedonian Forests, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Hydrometeorological service, Faculty of Forestry, Fire Union of Macedonia, the Regional Fire Monitoring Center (RFMC) and so on. The system will be available on the website of the CMC The next twelve months the system will be tested and will be available only for certain users with a password. After this period the system will be available for public use.